Saturday, September 20, 2008

LaCie 500 network disk..mounting under linux

Another nice piece of hardware is a network disk. You can find quite a lot of them out there and this manipulation will work for any brand, disks.

What we want is that this network disk to be mounted each time that we boot ubuntu under a comfy folder in the home of our user without anything invading our workflow (ie having to configure instead of working).
  1. Under the shortcuts menu enter into "personal folder" and then create a folder "network_disk" (for example)
  2. Open a terminal (applications/accessories/terminal
  3. type : su
  4. then enter your root password
  5. type : gedit /etc/fstab
At the end of the file type that :
//ip_of_your_networkdisk/sharename /home/yourcurentusername/folderyoucreated in point1 cifs iocharset=utf8,rw,username=xxxx,password=xxx,umask=0002,uid=yourcurrentusername, group=users 0 0

6. exit gedit you should come back into the terminal
7. type "mount -a" it should mount into the folder (and now everytime you boot):
some explanations :

sharename : the name of the sare you created in the network disk administrative interface (in Lacie you have to do that)
password= xxx : those are the uname/password in the LaCie disk
iocharset=utf8 : for the nasty foreigners in case your accents are not recognized
rw : read and write (yeeah !)
umask= 0002 00 : means that this is good of all files even the ones under the root folder !
uid : means that your current username will have access to that mount point (otherwise only root can write !)
group : users (it's the current user groups)

easy !

More details on the available options on Wickipedia entry on fstab

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